Chief Commercial Officer
Luca Nanetti
Chief Commercial Officer | WISECAP Group
Presentation topic:
The Tethered Challenge - from EU Directive to Product Delivery

Marketing & Product Development

Iacopo Bianconcini
Marketing & Product Development |SACMI Rigid Packaging BU
Presentation topic:
The Tethered Challenge - from EU Directive to Product Delivery

It has been a long journey from the publication of EU Directive 2019/904 to today. There are only a few days left before the principles of the Directive officially become part of our daily lives as consumers of beverage products.
The industry as a whole has faced many challenges and has shown a unique ability to put into question all recent achievements and results. Tireless efforts are now leading to results that combine respect of the norm, solution functionality and consumer experience.
Wisecap® and SACMI will take you through the various stages of this joint journey, focusing on product and technology advances. A kind of day-by-day journey, highlighting how things do not come for free, how the impact on the supply chain has always been in focus, trying to minimise it as much as possible.
Other events are somehow linked to or driven by this revolution. Education is revolution: only proper education of the end user will support this revolution in the packaging market and make it even more effective! New neck finishes are coming to market at an unprecedented speed, and further strength is given to activities such as DRS and bottle-to-bottle.
What's next? Will we see more and more countries adopting tethered caps? Will consumers help push tethered concepts even further? Wisecap® and SACMI will try to answer these and other questions in their presentation.
Luca Nanetti has over 25 years’ experience in packaging. He has occupied various positions in sales, marketing, B.U. management and his activity has given him the opportunity to handle business in almost all continents.
He started his professional career in Public Relation in real estate legal affairs in Southern California in ’91.
He entered the hardware business as Key Accounts Manager for CISA in ‘92.
In 2000 he joined SACMI Imola where he covered various positions from area sales management to marketing to B.U. management. Luca was deeply involved in the Caps & Closure business as well as the container business.
He joined WISECAP Group in 2018 as Chief Commercial Officer.
Iacopo Bianconcini joined the SACMI Group in Imola, Italy, 21 years ago. He holds a degree in Management Engineering from the University of Greenwich in London and a Masters in Marketing, Innovation Management and Digital Transformation from SDA Bocconi in Milan and Columbia University in NY.
As Manager at SACMI Imola Headquarters, he is directly responsible for marketing and product development activities within the Rigid Packaging Technologies Division.
His previous experience as Sales Area Manager and Key Account Manager is a valuable and helpful background for his current role.