Executive Vice President
Ajay Dashputre
Executive Vice President | Chemtex Global Corporation
Presentation topic:
Innovations in Cost Effective PET Manufacturing

John Baker
Polyester Business Leader | Koch Technology Solutions
Presentation topic:
Innovations in Cost Effective PET Manufacturing

Polyester Business Leader
While Polyester manufacturing technology dates back to 1950’s, over the past 70 years, the polyester capacity growth has continued at a steady pace of about + 4- 5%. As this market continues to grow, the capital and operating efficiencies have become far more important and the development of end uses / specialty PRODUCT APPLICATIONS are about to reach an end point.
Koch Technology Solutions in collaboration with Chemtex continue to create innovative solutions for highly cost effective solutions with large size plants that meet the demands for various end uses at an highly cost effective capital efficiencies. Our goal is to create value for our customers for long term sustainability of their manufacturing assets from a economic as well as environmental sustainability perspective.

Ajay Dashputre has over 43 years of experience in developing technology transfer projects around the world. Over the past 43 years, Ajay Dashputre has worked on opportunities in Asia, Middle East, Europe and the Americas.
Ajay has held several leadership positions within Chemtex US operations and today manages the Chemtex operations in USA and India.
Ajay enjoys the cultural and business diversities that exist in different parts of the world and despite such diversities, we all learn to co-exist in the business world that we live in.
John Baker is the Polyester Business Leader for KTS. Over 30 years he has developed his career in Polyester at multinational companies including ICI, DuPont, SASA, Artenius, Lotte Chemical, Alpek and KTS. He has worked across a range of roles in Polyester responsible for design, technology; commissioning and operations; HSE; quality; strategy development; licensing; new product development.
As a Chartered Engineer, John holds a BEng in Chemical Engineering and an MSc in Process Technology and Management and is a Fellow of the IChemE. He has held board positions in PETEurope and RECOUP and been active in the CIA (Chemical Industries Association), BPF (British Plastics Federation) and PETCore supporting advocacy in UK and EU to ensure a sustainable future.