Dr. Michael Krüger
CEO| Corvaglia Group
Presentation topic:
Product Development X Industrial Closure Production
Rufat Dauti
CTO |Corvaglia Group
Presentation topic:
Product Development X Industrial Closure Production
The presentation introduces corvaglia group, its role in closure development, and recent advancements in neck finishes and closure designs. The importance of neck finish standardization and benefits of corvaglia’s mould technology are discussed.
The presentation underscores the significance of quality in closure production and how it is impacted by product development. To conclude, the differences between slitted and injected bridges will be explained.
Michael Krueger studied Chemistry at Stuttgart University and received his Ph.D. as a fellow of the International-Max-Planck-Research-School for Advanced Materials. He has gained experience in managing innovation and development in leading positions in the protective equipment industry. Since joining the corvaglia group in 2012 as Chief Technology Officer Michael has entered the world of beverage closures. He serves as the CEO of corvaglia group since January 2015.
Rufat Dauti has been working for corvaglia since 17 years and has had various positions in product development during this time. Since August 2022 he serves as Chief Technology Officer of corvaglia group. He studied mechanical engineering and later on aswell Business administration (Bachelor of Science in Business Administration & Engineering).